Friday 24 July 2020

My Thoughts And Feelings About Life Before, During, After COVID-19

My Thoughts And Feelings About Life Before, During, After COVID-19

Things to think about before, while and after writing.
  • What was everyday life like before COVID-19?
  • What is life like now, during the pandemic and lock-down?
  • What do you think life will be like after all this is over?
  • Did you take anything for granted before the lock-down?
  • How do you feel about the whole pandemic?
  • Does my writing make sense?
  • Have I used punctuation correctly?
  • Have I used key vocabulary from what I have been reading?

I am expecting at least two paragraphs, 1 paragraph = 5-7 sentences.
Wednesday 15/4/2020: 
Life before the COVID-19 pandemic.
We were all having a normal year  until there was a virus spreading world wide including our country New Zealand. Before the virus was spreading people were making a joke of it. People were making memes about it not knowing  they could get the virus themselves and those people are including myself so I stopped . It was like they were not scared, but  they should be scared because there is no cure for this situation at the moment. Down  below there is a paragraph telling about what we could do before this pandemic .

Before the virus  spread  worldwide we had FREEDOM. We now have rules we have to follow because of Covid-19, this is a serious outbreak but there is no cure for this virus at the moment. Right now we are in lock-down to prevent the virus spreading in large quantities and this method is so far a success. When the covid-19 was not in New Zealand we had no restrictions. The things we could do before the lock-down restrictions were put in place were to go to church services on Sundays, we could travel without police checkpoints, all  retail stores are open and all families could have family get-together. There were other fears in the  world  but however the pandemic had topped it all off. 
      Thursday 16/4/2020: 
Life during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown.
This lock down so far has lasted 21 days (3 weeks). worldwide, we have been spending time in  our houses to prevent the virus from spreading more and more. My family goes for walks because we don't get as much fitness as we did before the lock-down. At shops we now have to bring only one person per household and there is a maximum amount of purchases of a product. The only highlight for me is  that I get to have more time with my family. If I was a grown up living by myself in this lock-down I would probably cry because I would have no company.  

I would like to point out  highlights about this lock-down. My extended family including my household are getting a stronger relationship. (for e.g. we play games, christian fellowship, fitness and more communication.) We don't have fast foods so we have more home cooks which are healthy and New Zealand still has education during the lock-down because of online school, work from the TV (TVNZ Channel 2+)

Those are the positive things and here are the negatives of this lock-down. I don't like accomplishing school work at home because it's difficult not seeing my teacher face to face and also my friends. My last downfall is not having family gatherings with my extended family because sometimes at my house it's boring .  
Friday 17/4/2020: 
What is the first thing you will do once the pandemic is contained/over?
Immediately, I would purchase some fast food because everyone needs a break from healthy home cooked meals, am I right? I would like to visit my mum to see if she is protected and not infected because I miss her very  much. Another act I want to do is ask my family to have a family gathering, including my extended family because I miss them as well. I would  like to go back to school because I wish to see my friends sooner and I miss studying face to face with my teacher. The  big one for me is visit my auntie mile's grave and replace her old flowers.

Now, I will be talking about what it’ll be like  after the lock-down and will there still be cases.

Although the lock-down will be ended it does not mean there will be no more cases, it just means the amount of cases there was  isn't that much anymore. Soon for NZ it will be level three on Monday so that's a sign that the corona- virus is fadely dying. Now that means most of the shops are reopening like fast food stores,  warehouses and many more stores.  The  only places that are closed are pools , malls and other places that contain more than one hundred people. I am very excited when this lock-down is over so we can have FREEDOM again… 
Wednesday 1/7/2020
Wow it's been a long time since I have documented this whole pandemic but there have been some recent cases in New Zealand. Recently there have been  22 active cases around NZ. The lock down ended about 3 months ago but the covid cases just came 2 weeks from now due to tourists. It feels unusual because we haven't had covid in our lives for about 2 months. It can be frustrating sometimes,our country was doing well, keyword (was).  

By Attalia. T